Thursday, August 22, 2013

God Calls Gideon (WORD OF THE HOLY BIBLE)/[Aparição do Anjo de Iahweh a Gedeão (PALAVRA DA BIBLIA SAGRADA)


God Calls Gideon

 Gideon (part one of three)

Judges 6

Gideon was the fifth judge of Israel. He played a small but important role in the history of God's people. Gideon lived during a time when Israel had forsaken God and had worshipped idols. The nation had abandoned its true source of national strength and the source of its blessings much like our own nation has done today. God had withdrawn his blessings and protection, and the nation had suffered. As voices began to call upon God for deliverance, God used Gideon to answer the need. Gideon was a reluctant leader who was finally convinced of the power of God. He ultimately led the children of Israel in victory over their enemies, the Midianites. We find the account of this part of Israel's history in Judges chapters 6-8.

The Call Of Gideon
During this particular time, it was the Midianites who oppressed Israel. This oppression took the form of organized bands raiding Israel and burning homes and planted fields and killing the animals. Many of the people of Israel took to hiding in caves and strongholds in the mountains. As one might guess, they were hungry due to the loss of their crops and livestock (Judges 6:1-10).

The problems had begun when the children of Israel "did evil in the sight of the Lord" (vs. 1). As things grew worse and worse, many in Israel cried out to the Lord. A prophet was sent to the people with God's message. The three part message reminded Israel that God had "delivered you" in the past and secondly they were told, "Do not fear the gods of the Amorites." Thirdly, they were told the reason for their suffering as God spoke through the prophet saying, "You have not obeyed my voice." (vss. 8-10).

Then, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon at Ophrah while Gideon was threshing his wheat (vss. 11-27). Gideon is referred to as a "valiant warrior" (vss. 11-12). But this valiant warrior had a question for the Lord. Gideon's question was why had things gone so badly if God was with them (vs. 13). The Lord promised to be with Gideon and that he would defeat the Midianites (vss. 14, 16). Like many of the people God chose to work for Him, Gideon wondered "Why me?" He said his father's house was the least in the whole tribe of Manasseh and he was the youngest in the house.

Gideon asked for a sign. As instructed, Gideon prepared a meal and brought it to the Lord. The Lord touched the meat with His staff, and it was consumed with fire. (vss 19-24).

Following this, Gideon was commanded to tear down the altar of Baal and build one to God (vss. 25-27). He destroyed the altar of Baal, but many of the people, still not ready to renounce idolatry altogether, were angry and demanded Gideon's life. Gideon's father, Joash, said, "If he (Baal) is a god, let him plead for himself, because his altar has been torn down" (vs. 33). Gideon was called Jerubbaal by the people after that (which means "let Baal contend against him").

The Midianites and the Amalekites assembled at Jezreel for war and Gideon called for help from neighboring tribes. (vss. 28-35). Gideon, being exceedingly cautious, requested two additional signs from God: "If you will save Israel by my hand..." (Judges 6:36-40). The first sign: dew on fleece, ground around it dry in the morning. The second sign: dew on ground, fleece dry. Yes, God was with Gideon and Gideon was ready to do whatever the Lord asked of him.

Confidence Builder
Even "the least" in the kingdom of God are of use to the Father. By faith, Gideon, the "least one in his father's house" became a valiant warrior with God. (Judges 6:15). Gideon is mentioned in the New Testament as being one who by faith "... became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight" (Hebrews 11:32, 34). Though the "weapons of our warfare" are spiritual, and not carnal, the same principle holds true. We will win the battle by faith. That is our confidence and strength.

We need to understand that the strength comes from God by faith. Paul said, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13). Paul made the point that every member of the church has important roles to fulfill which contribute to the overall success of the body (Ephesians 4:15-16; 1 Corinthians 12:14-26).

Also, when we face the "impossible", we need to remember: "With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." (Mark 10:27).

God Blesses the Faithful and Obedient
God blesses those who obey Him, but withholds the blessing for those who sin. This is true for individuals as well as nations. There are several reasons that this is so.

First, with God one is aware of eternal and wonderful blessings which faith brings. This is true even in the evil day. We recall Paul and Silas singing praises to God from an inner prison (Acts 16:25). Nothing in which we suffer loss here will take away our eternal blessings!

Second, we are assured of salvation if we obey the Lord. "And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation..." (Hebrews 5:9). The source of our salvation is the Lord Creator of the universe! It is the same one about which that the Book of Hebrews begins by saying, "You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of your hands" (Hebrews 1:10).

Thirdly, For those who use the blessings, whether time, material or talents, to serve Him He promises to bless by providing more and greater opportunities; "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed; as it is written, 'He scattered abroad, He gave to the poor, His righteousness endures forever.' Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness; you will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God." (2 Corinthians 9:8-11).

False Gods Are Worthless
Idolatry is a bankrupt system of belief. False gods can do nothing. Jehovah is God, Baal is a god. There is a big difference!

The same is true of false religion systems and humanistic philosophies and occultist practices. Jeremiah cautioned, "Do not fear them, for they can do no harm, nor can they do any good." (JER 10:1-5). In the New Testament, we read, "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority..." Colossians 2:8-10). Let us serve the Lord with joy! Let the God of Gideon also be our God!


By Jon W. Quinn
From Expository Files 14.5; May 2007

Aparição do Anjo de Iahweh a Gedeão"

Após fazer aquisição da bíblia de Jerusalém que será enviada para minha genitora Maria José Correia Borges o Padre leu o trecho abaixo Aparição do Anjo de Iahweh a Gedeão”  ela foi abençoada pelo Padre na Sala de Bênçãos na Igreja de São Judas Tadeu em São Paulo.


Juízes 6 pag. 358 da Bíblia de Jerusalém


Aparição do Anjo de Iahweh a Gedeão— 11 O Anjo de Iahweh veio e assentou-se debaixo do terebinto de Efra, que pertencia a Joás de Abiezer. Gedeão, seu filho, estava malhando o trigo no lagar, para salvá-lo dos madianitas, 12 e o Anjo de Iahweh lhe apareceu e lhe disse: “Iahweh esteja contigo, valente guerreiro!” 13 Gedeão lhe respondeu: “Ai, meu Senhor! Se Iahweh está conosco, donde vem tudo quanto nos tem acontecido? Onde estão todas aquelas maravilhas que os nossos pais nos contam dizendo: ‘Não nos fez Iahweh subir do Egito?’ E agora Iahweh nos abandonou e nos deixou cair sob o poder de Madiã...” 14 Então Iahweh se voltou para ele e lhe disse: “Vai com a força que te anima, e salvarás a Israel das mãos de Madiã. Não sou eu quem te envia?” — 15 “Ai, meu Senhor!” respondeu Gedeão, “como posso salvar a Israel? O meu clã é o mais pobre em Manassés, e eu sou o último na casa de meu pai.” 16 Iahweh lhe respondeu: “Eu estarei contigo e tu vencerás Madiã como se ele fosse um só homem.” 17 E Gedeão lhe disse: “Se encontrei graça aos teus olhos, dá-me um sinal de que és tu quem me fala. 18 Não te afastes daqui, rogo-te, até que eu volte e traga a minha oferenda e a deposite diante de ti.” Ele respondeu: “Esperarei até que voltes.” 19 Gedeão saiu, preparou um cabrito e, com um almude de farinha, fez pães sem fermento. Pôs a carne num cesto e o caldo numa vasilha, e trouxe-os para debaixo do terebinto. Quando se aproximava, 20 o Anjo de Iahweh lhe disse: “Toma a carne e os pães sem fermento e coloca-os sobre esta pedra e derrama o caldo sobre eles.” E Gedeão assim fez. 21 Então o Anjo de Iahweh estendeu a ponta do cajado que tinha na mão e tocou a carne e os pães sem fermento. O fogo se ergueu da pedra e devorou a carne e os pães sem fermento, e o Anjo de Iahweh desapareceu dos seus olhos. 22 Então viu Gedeão que era o Anjo de Iahweh, e exclamou: “Ah! meu Senhor Iahweh! Eu vi o Anjo de Iahweh face a face!” 23 Iahweh lhe disse: “A paz esteja contigo! Não temas, não morrerás.” 24 Gedeão ergueu ali um altar a Iahweh e o chamou: Iahweh é Paz. Esse altar está ainda hoje em Efra de Abiezer.”



Thursday, February 14, 2013

A João Maciel Silva: “Nosso profundo respeito e agradecimento”.

A João Maciel Silva:

Nosso profundo respeito e agradecimento”.


Gilberto Martins Borges Filho

em nome dos Internautas deste Brasil.




Neste DIA 14/02 Eterno para Nosso Mundo ao seu Nascer e quando de um Renascer para uma Outra Vida (11/02), ao deixar este nosso convívio, que geralmente é percebido em nossa cultura como um pesar, uma falta, citamos um trecho muito expressivo do escritor argentino Fecundo Cabral, que afirma:  
Além disso, a vida não te tira coisas: liberta-te de coisas, alivia-te para que possas voar mais alto, para que alcances a plenitude.
Do útero ao túmulo, vivemos numa escola; por isso, o que chamas de problemas são apenas lições. Não perdeste coisa alguma: aquele que morre apenas está adiantado em relação a nós, porque todos vamos na mesma direção. E não esqueças, que o melhor dele, o amor, continua vivo em teu coração. Não existe a morte, apenas a mudança. E do outro lado te esperam pessoas maravilhosas: Gandhi, o Arcanjo Miguel, Santo Agostinho, Madre Teresa, meu avô e minha avó, que acreditavam que a pobreza está mais próxima do amor, porque o dinheiro nos distrai com coisas demais, e nos machuca, porque nos torna desconfiados.
Por fim, sentimos o amor e os valores mais nobres que ele nos transmitiu, em termos de ações práticas no cuidar, educar seus filhos, seus netos e levar mais adiante, para seus amigos e discípulos, principalmente os mais próximos, as semelhantes  sábias mensagens de experiência de vida.
Enfim, resta-nos somente agradecer a este homem simples, mas de ações nobres que por aqui cumpriu muito bem seu papel.
Muito Obrigado,
Muito Obrigado,
Muito Obrigado de coração, João Maciel Silva.
Recife - Fortaleza - São Paulo - Belo Horizonte - Brasil,
14 de fevereiro de 2013.